Work Order to Worker Application Process
Paperless onboarding. Create Multiple Proccess Levels & Assign Work Orders to Approving AuthoritiesRead more
A Complete CLMS Software Solution, Designed for Today's Workforce.
Powered by Aprilent Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Looking at the current need of workforce, it is common for modern enterprises to have the flexibility to rely on third party contractor offering skilled and unskilled Labour. This helps them meet their specific one-time or regular manpower needs. Traditional methods of managing multiple contractors and large workforce can expose the organization to safety, legal and financial leakages. Additionally, meeting the statutory requirements is an important aspect in Smart CLMS.
Smart Contract Labour Management System is designed for large and small organizations to meet their demand of skilled manpower supply and helps in monitoring the contract Labour. Meeting statutory requirements is an important aspect in managing contract Labour. Smart CLMS allows managers and contractors to improve labour productivity and enhance operational efficiency, bringing down overall cost.
We at Aprilent Systems appreciates the opportunity to work with you and build an enduring business relationship. We are pleased to present you with this software proposal for "Smart Contract & Labour Management System". We aim at enabling automation of your Contractor & Labour Management activities.
Contract Labour Management solution is designed for large organizations helping them to manage their contract Labour management processes. Aprilent CLMS allows managers and contractors to improve labour productivity and enhance operational efficiency bringing down overall cost.
Contract Labour Management System is specifically designed for organizations dependent on contract workers. CLMS Application allows managers and contractors to plan and manage their workforce efficiently to improve productivity and significantly reduce labor cost. Organizations can create and define work orders and assign them to contractors, along with completion dates. Contractors can manage worker's details and attendance from the CLMS Application.
We Provide CLMS Application on Cloud :
We are committed towards enhancing efficiency and reduction of non-value adding activities. Remove manual errors and the mistakes arising from it.
Paperless onboarding. Create Multiple Proccess Levels & Assign Work Orders to Approving AuthoritiesRead more
Information of Work Order Process, Active Worker Detail, Labour’ Attendance Summary, etc.Read more
One Click Generation of Worker's Gate PassRead more
Track and manage Worker Attendance, Create multiple Attendance Policies, Manage Shift-Schedules & OTRead more
Create and Store the List of Black listed Labour & Prevents Blacklisted Labour from Entering Plant PremisesRead more
Check Assigned Work Orders and Track its Status & Add New Labour and Update their ProfilesRead more
Various Reports Related to Work Orders, Contractors, Labour and their Attendance, etc. Read more
Accurate Analysis and Faster Decisions by Detailed ReportsRead more
Offering Overview To Managers About Work Orders And Worker’s StatusRead more
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